up 'till now, i've been staying in malaysia for 1.5 years already.
how is it so far? well, so far so good.. surprisingly i really like it here.
hmm.. maybe not the same answer if you ask me a year before (yeah)
that reminds me on my farewell party in july 2007. rather than celebrate it in a very ''indonesian'' kind of place, i chose a place that serves malaysian cuisine (hmm..) weird choice, knowing that i will have to live with that kind of food for the next few years.
i've heard nasi lemak before, but back then in katjapiring, that was the first time i-eight malaysian food. although now i know, it was similar but not the same. anything is always better in their original place.

as you can see, katjapiring is the name of the place.
it is a restaurant at parisj van java mall or pvj in short, bandung. we-eight dinner in a big group, maybe around 8-10 person, so we can order many things.
although they specialized in malaysian dishes, they also served nasi langgi garingan simpang lima, it is an indonesian dish.. we also ordered belacan chicken. some of my friends chose nasi lemak, which is the signature of malaysian dishes.

i also found out, talking about malaysian cuisine is always talking about 3 culture, the malay, chinese, and indian. char kway teow is one of the popular noodle dish in malaysia, and also singapore. but the one that we ordered here called fried char kway teow gurney drive. my malaysian friend told me that gurney drive is a famous place in penang state, north side of malaysia. i've been to penang but unfortunately i haven't tried the original fried kway teow in gurney drive.

while for indian food, roti canai is one of the popular dish. you can eat it with chicken or lamb curry or dal curry (vegetable curry). but nowadays, they also make roti milo (with milo powder springkled on top of it), roti kopi (coffee), onion, cheese or anything that you want. what we ordered here is roti canai with curry chicken.